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The Mahalo Way

A guide to the good life, inspired by Mahalo’s core values and daily gratitude.

graphic with bird, guitar and coconut

Jargon Dictionary

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Between the ever-accelerating pace of modern business, the popularity of social media, the rise of collaboration platforms, and our undeniable love of shortcuts, abbreviations and acronyms have never been so popular. Or,...
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QR codes

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The pandemic has triggered all kinds of changes, and one of the more unexpected ones has been the resurgence of QR codes. These little blobs of undecipherable squiggles have had an interesting...
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P2P Marketing

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Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Business is people, after all. Yet many brands forget this basic truth when trying to make connections with an audience. Here at Mahalo, we believe creating a...
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Know Who You’re Talking To

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Not too long ago, Millennial-bashing seemed like America’s favorite pastime. “They’re lazy.” “They’re disrespectful.” “They expect to be given [insert anything here] before they’ve earned it.” Many have called for...
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Ways to Say Aloha!
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