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Big Gratitude for the Little Things

By November 28, 2023Uncategorized
Big gratitude for the little things

During the Thanksgiving season we are reminded to be grateful for the many good things – the great things – that surround us. In our experience it never fails that when we focus on the positives our spirits grow and the world looks a whole light brighter.

Today we share our staff’s perspectives on what we’re grateful for. May our thoughts of thanks and gratefulness inspire your own.

We are grateful for

puppy snuggles
Good hot coffee in the morning in a mug that commemorates somewhere I've traveled.
having a vivid imagination. it means I never truly get bored and gives me a positive outlook
the health and quality of life of my 80+ year-old parents
the chance to give back to my community
daily punny texts and conversations with far-away friends
gathering with three generations of family from both coasts this Thanksgiving
my friends and family and how they teach me to experience the world authentically
slow cooker meals
warm sheets straight out of the dryer
fall, my favorite season, especially the crunchy leaves on the ground
a good book at the end of a long day
picking the right shade of kitchen backsplash tiles
Fall, my favorite season, especially the crunch leaves on the ground
A good book at the end of a long day
The snooze button
college football, Saturdays/NFL Sundays... and Mondays...and Thursdays
good music: classical, country, pop, Gregorian chants, rock, alternative, standards

And one last thing we’re grateful for…

Clients like you, who give us the opportunity to engage wholeheartedly in what we love to do.
We wish you all the very best Thanksgiving holiday.

With gratitude,
Your friends at Mahalo