Halloween is almost upon us, and it’s one of our favorite holidays. Since it’s full of tricks and treats, we got to musing about what icons of this tradition could be equated with some of the scariest and sweetest types of marketing. Which one do you align with? PS – this might be a trick question 😉

Witch Marketer
Uses fear-based messaging to scare customers into action. Marketing for data protection solutions that centers on ransomware, scams, and hackers is one example we see a lot of.

Skeleton Marketer
This type may be able to claim the bones are there, but there’s no meat to the message. Like a tagline that says, “Quality and value in a name you can trust.”

Ghost Marketer
This is someone whose message has no real heft to it. “At the end of the day, our mission is to implement best practices that highlight core competencies while innovating for the future.” Huh?

Spider Marketer
Snares you in a web of lies. This was popular back in the 50s and 60s when messages like “Smoking is good for you!” were everywhere. Yikes.

Zombie Marketer
You make the mistake of giving one of these your email address, and now that they know how to get to you, they won’t stop chasing after you until you’re in their clutches. Quick! Hit Unsubscribe!

Pumpkin Marketer
That’s us and hopefully you too! Because we have guts, we know how to customize a look, and we like to stand out. In that spirit, here’s some pumpkin-carving inspiration to help you liven up your stoop this Halloween.