It may have been the worst year ever in many ways, but 2020 wasn’t without its bright spots:
Hamilton the movie, birthday car parades, virtual book tours, cocktails to go from our favorite watering holes, and teachers finally getting the recognition they deserve. It also gave us sourdough bread creations, drive-in movies, sports fan cutouts to cheer on our teams, and Christmas decorations from Halloween through January. These small pleasures allowed for distractions from the heaviness of the year.
And even the heaviness itself allowed us to flex our gratitude muscles. Gratitude for our health amidst a global pandemic. Gratitude for fresh air after a summer full of fires. Gratitude for our work when entire industries are suffering. Gratitude for our coworkers when women are leaving the workforce in droves.
Despite our ability to find the bright side in 2020, we’ve had to put a lot of our most cherished traditions and pastimes on hold. As 2021 gets underway we’re taking the opportunity to dream about the things we’ve been missing:
We’re ready to start booking up our calendars again. Here’s hoping we’ll (actually) see you soon!